I am currently a fifth year PhD candidate at the Department of Computer Sciences, UW-Madison. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jelena Diakonikolas. Earlier, I received my BS in Math from Zhiyuan Honors College at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interests are primarily focused on optimization and machine learning.

Please reach out via xcai74 [at] wisc [dot] edu.

Recent Papers

(reverse chronological, * denotes equal contribution)

Last Iterate Convergence of Incremental Methods as a Model of Forgetting.
Xufeng Cai, Jelena Diakonikolas.
In Proc. ICLR'25, 2025.
abstract / arXiv

HyperZero: A Customized End-to-End Auto-Tuning System for Recommendation with Hourly Feedback.
Xufeng Cai*, Ziwei Guan*, Lei Yuan*, Ali Selman Aydin*, Tengyu Xu, Boying Liu, Wenbo Ren, Renkai Xiang, Songyi He, Haichuan Yang, Serena Li, Mingze Gao, Yue Weng, Ji Liu.
In Proc. KDD'25, 2025.
abstract / arXiv

Tighter Convergence Bounds for Shuffled SGD via Primal-Dual Perspective.
Xufeng Cai*, Cheuk Yin Lin*, Jelena Diakonikolas.
In Proc. NeurIPS'24, 2024.
abstract / arXiv

Variance Reduced Halpern Iteration for Finite-Sum Monotone Inclusions.
Xufeng Cai*, Ahmet Alacaoglu*, Jelena Diakonikolas.
In Proc. ICLR'24, 2024.
abstract / arXiv

Cyclic Block Coordinate Descent With Variance Reduction for Composite Nonconvex Optimization.
Xufeng Cai, Chaobing Song, Stephen J. Wright, Jelena Diakonikolas.
In Proc. ICML'23, 2023.
abstract / arXiv

Stochastic Halpern Iteration with Variance Reduction for Stochastic Monotone Inclusions.
Xufeng Cai, Chaobing Song, Cristóbal Guzmán, Jelena Diakonikolas.
In Proc. NeurIPS'22, 2022.
abstract / arXiv


Variance Reduced Halpern Iteration for Finite-Sum Monotone Inclusions.
2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting (INFORMS), Seattle, WA, USA. 2024.

Stochastic Halpern Iteration with Variance Reduction for Stochastic Monotone Inclusions.
The seventh International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Bethlehem, PA, USA. 2022.


CS639, Foundations of Data Science, UW-Madison, Spring 2024 (TA).
CS639, Foundations of Data Science, UW-Madison, Spring 2022 (TA).
CS760, Machine Learning, UW-Madison, Spring 2021 (TA).
CS760, Machine Learning, UW-Madison, Fall 2020 (TA).


In my free time, I enjoy reading, photography, and music (vinyls).